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发布日期:2019-03-05  浏览量:

1. Feng G#, Zhao A, Hu S*, et al. A methodology for determining the methane ow space in abandoned mine gobs and its application in methane drainage[J]. Fuel, 2018 , 227: 208-217.SCI

2. Feng G#, Liao Q, Hu S*. Numerical Simulation of Particulate Matter 2.5 Distribution in a Roadway[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 13220. SCI

3. Feng G#, Wang P*, Chugh Y. P. Stability of Gate Roads Next to an Irregular Yield Pillar: A Case Study [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 20181-20. SCI

4. Feng G#, Li Z, Hu S*, et al. Distribution of gob empty space for methane drainage during the longwall mining: A case study[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2018, 60: 112-124. SCI

5. Feng G#, Wang P*, Chugh Y. P. A New Gob-side Entry Layout for Longwall Top Coal 3 Caving[J]. Energies, 2018, 11, 1-28. SCI

6. Feng G#, Wang P*, Zhao J, et al. A Coal Burst Mitigation Strategy for Tailgate during Deep Mining of Inclined Longwall Top Coal Caving Panels at Huafeng Coal Mine[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2018. SCI

7. Bai J#, Feng G*, Wang S, et al. Vertical Stress and Stability of Interburden over Abandoned Pillar Working before Upward Mining: A Case Study[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5(8): 180346. SCI

8. Guo J#, Feng G*, Wang P, et al. Roof Strata Behavior and Support Resistance Determination for Ultra-Thick Longwall Top Coal Caving Panel: A Case Study of the Tashan Coal Mine[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(5):1041. SCI

9. Du X#, Feng G*, Guo Y, et al. Failure analyses of unconfined CCWBM body in uniaxial compression based on central pressure variation[J].Waste Management & Research, 2018, 36(2) 159–168. SCI

10. Guo J#, Feng G*, Qi T, et al. Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Dry and Water Saturated Igneous Rock with Acoustic Emission Monitoring[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2018, 2018. SCI

11. Li Z#, Feng G*, Jiang H, et al.The correlation between crushed coal porosity and permeability under various methane pressure gradients: a case study using Jincheng anthracite. Greenhouse Gases:Science and Technology, 2018, 8(3): 493-509. SCI

12. Hu S, Guo X, Li C, Feng G*et al. An approach to address the low concentration methane emission of distributed surface wells[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(39): 13217-13225. SCI

13. Hu S#, Zhang A, Feng G*, et al. Methane Extraction from Abandoned Mines by Surface Vertical Wells: A Case Study in China[J]. Geofluids, 2018. SCI

14. Wang P#, Zhao J, Feng G*, et al. Improving stress environment in development entries through an alternate longwall mining layout[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018, 11(2): 44. SCI

15. Wang P, Zhao J, Feng G, et al. Interaction between vertical stress distribution within the goaf and surrounding rock mass in longwall panel systems[J]. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2018, 118(7): 745-745. SCI

16. Cheng J#, Zhao G, Feng G*, et al. Characterizing strata deformation over coal pillar system in longwall panels by using subsurface subsidence prediction model[J]. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018: 1-20. SCI

17. He P, Kulatilake P H S W, Yang X, et al. Detailed comparison of nine intact rock failure criteria using polyaxial intact coal strength data obtained through PFC 3D simulations[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2018, 13(2): 419-445. SCI

18. Mehranpour M H, Kulatilake P H S W, Xingen M, et al. Development of New Three-Dimensional Rock Mass Strength Criteria[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(11): 3537-3561. SCI

19. Le H, Sun S, Kulatilake P H S W, et al. Effect of Grout on Mechanical Properties and Cracking Behavior of Rock-Like Specimens Containing a Single Flaw under Uniaxial Compression[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2018, 18(10): 04018129. SCI

20. Yang X X, Kulatilake P H S W. Effect of Joint Micro Mechanical Parameters on a Jointed Rock Block Behavior Adjacent to an Underground Excavation: A Particle Flow Approach[J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2018: 1-23. SCI

21. Feng G, Qi T, Du X, et al. Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic Characteristics in the Failure Process of Cemented Waste Concrete-Coal Gangue Backfilling (CWCGB) under Uniaxial Loading[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, 2018. SCI

22. Yu Y, Deng K, Luo Y, et al. An improved method for long-term stability evaluation of strip mining and pillar design[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 107: 25-30. SCI

23. Gao Q. #, Feng G. R. *, Hu S. Y., Jiang H. N., Li Z, Cui J. Q. Optimization of the Surface Vertical Well of Abandoned Mine Goals based on Gas Seepage Characteristics[J]. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2018, 11 (2) 54 - 62. EI

24. 王朋飞,冯国瑞,赵景礼,CHUGH Yoginder P,王志强.长壁采空区对采动煤岩应力分布规律的影响研究[J].岩土工程学报,2018,40(07):1237-1246. EI

25. 王朋飞,冯国瑞,赵景礼,Yoginder P.Chugh,王志强.错层沿空掘巷围岩应力分析[J].岩土力学,2018(09):1-11EI

26. 王朋飞#, 冯国瑞*, 赵景礼, Yoginder P.Chugh, 王志强.长壁工作面巷顶沿空掘巷围岩应力分析[J].岩土力学,2018,39(09):3395-3405. EI

27. 王贵文,冯国瑞,郭军,任玉琦.塔山盘区大巷巷间煤柱合理宽度优化探究[J].煤炭技术,2018,37(08):36-38. 中文核心

28. 牛利凯,郭育霞,冯国瑞,杜云楼.厚煤层刀柱采空区下分层复采工作面矿压规律研究[J].煤炭技术,2018,37(08):59-61. 中文核心

29. 张奡,胡胜勇,冯国瑞,程健维,郝国才,韩丹丹,关舒文.三维采空区煤层气渗流空间分布特征及应用[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(09):22-26+30. 中文核心

30. 刘钰欣,栗继祖,冯国瑞,康立勋,宋燕,瞿皎姣.差错管理氛围对矿工习惯性违章行为的影响机制研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(08):289-292. 中文核心

31. 刘钰欣,栗继祖,冯国瑞,康立勋,宋燕,瞿皎姣.影响矿工不安全操作的心理因素仿真研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(07):249-252. 中文核心

32. 李超,郭向前,胡胜勇,田永东,冯国瑞,郝国才,张奡.低浓度煤层气分布式提纯系统的研制与应用[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(04):85-88. 中文核心

33. 续婷妮,栗继祖,冯国瑞,康立勋.矿工不安全行为的社会网络分析[J].中国煤炭,2018,44(08):148-152. 中文核心

34. 赵智辉,杨双锁,马耀荣,罗百胜,牛少卿.基于温度影响下早期变形特征的混凝土凝结时间的确定[J].科学技术与工程,2018,18(22):266-272. 中文核心

35. 糜瑞杰,杨双锁,鲍飞翔,杨欢欢,袁勋.双线盾构隧道断面及相对空间位置对地表沉降的影响[J].太原理工大学学报,2018,49(03):428-432. 中文核心

36. 鲍飞翔,杨双锁,杨欢欢,糜瑞杰,郝瑞卿,牛少卿.太原河漫滩地区盾构施工中地下水位与地表沉降相关性研究[J].施工技术,2018,47(09):70-74. 中文核心

37. 杨欢欢,杨双锁,鲍飞翔.太原地铁深基坑温度效应有限元分析[J].施工技术,2018,47(05):118-121. 中文核心

38. 杨安妮,栗继祖.变革型领导行为对矿工安全行为的影响研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(08):279-282. 中文核心

39. 杨安妮,栗继祖.基于前景理论的煤矿安全行为监管演化博弈[J].煤炭技术,2018,37(08):330-333. 中文核心

40. 杨安妮,栗继祖.基于AHP-熵权法的煤矿安全管理组织行为评估方法研究[J].煤炭技术,2018,37(07):343-345. 中文核心

41. 刘九员,栗继祖.晋煤集团井下瓦斯抽采管网在线监测系统开发与应用[J].中国煤炭,2018,44(01):75-80. 中文核心

42. 胡海峰,吕英华.潜孔锤跟管钻进技术在矿井注浆工程中的应用[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(S1):40-44. 中文核心

43. 焦晓双,胡海峰,廉旭刚.基于三维激光扫描技术的矿区建筑物变形监测方法[J].金属矿山,2018(04):150-153. 中文核心

44. 李桓宇,邢玉忠,闫晶晶,喻龙.基于电磁探测技术的采空区上覆煤层底板破坏范围的研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(07):201-204. 中文核心

45. 闫宏明,王毅,吕斌,邢玉忠,申文斌.晋华宫矿复杂通风系统优化研究[J].煤炭技术,2018,37(02):186-188. 中文核心

46. 刘中熙,李志宏,郝兵元.基于光纤光栅技术的锚杆切向载荷定量测试研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(09):152-156. 中文核心

47. 张鹏鹏,郝兵元,王凯,黄小朋,闫树鹏,魏娟.综放开采沿空掘巷小煤柱宽度留设及支护技术研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2018,46(05):40-46. 中文核心

48. 牟秀超,张百胜,杨永康,王夏南,金力波,康立勋.综放工作面端面顶板稳定性控制研究[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(07):43-47. 中文核心

49. 杨永康,张百胜,段东,康天合,季春旭,郭俊庆.基于数值试验的地矿类专业岩石力学实验教学改革[J].实验技术与管理,2018,35(06):211-214+230. 中文核心

50. 张茹,张蓓,任鸿瑞.山西轩岗矿区耕地流失时空特征及其影响因子研究[J].广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2018,36(03):121-132. 中文核心

51. 徐乐华,姜海纳,冯增朝.基于组合体模型的阻挡层厚度对突出延期时间的影响分析[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(07):9-12. 中文核心

52. 景振华,刘珺,李松青.基于时序NDVI的山西六大煤田土地利用变化研究[J].干旱区资源与环境,2018,32(08):80-86. 中文核心

53. 郑维龙,刘珺.基于NDVI的黄淮海平原2001-2010年植被覆盖变化分析[J].太原理工大学学报,2018,49(03):433-439. 中文核心

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